Mar 20, 2009

Kiss a Mug

Have you ever really thought about your mug? You know, the one you favor for your daily beverage ritual of choice. Whether it is a groggy morning cup of joe, an afternoon tea, or a nightcap, that cup is perfect. You bring it to your mouth and you kiss it, you feel the relaxing warmth of its liquid, you cherish that moment. I love mugs because of this personal, sensual, perfect moment. This cozy exchange is what I strive to create with each mug I turn out. If you have never thought about this, now you will. I think about it all the time.
I received a mug as a gift a while back. A great friend gave it to me as a gag since it has a cheezy Minnesota theme she knew I would get a kick out of. But the design is bad. The handle is made of wood, and is square. By far the least comfortable handle I have ever held. The lip is also very awkward and your mouth touches the metal that holds the handle on while you drink. Cool theme, bad execution, a pain to use. I still use it when she is around. Your relationships with real people after all are more fragile than relationships with objects...
Here are a few of the mugs I have made recently. I am still working towards mastery, but the brownish green one has a real energy that I have been trying to channel into more of my work.

Mar 13, 2009

Little Woody

Here are snapshots from a recent wood kiln. For a potter the day you open up the kiln is like Christmas! This opening was no different. There is also a little flame sneaking out the door,(that was later plugged)so you can get some of the hot flame experience.

Plates and Platters

Here are a few works, large and small, to come out of a recent wood firing. The kiln was reduction cooled, and only fired to about cone 9 or so. Very dark, subtle coloring was a result of this firing style. Although I found it to be a worthy experiment, I do not think I will be firing this way again. The vary dark platter is about 14" across, while the others are smaller, saucer sized plates. New kiln opening photos coming soon.

Mar 3, 2009

Spring Bowls

Things are looking up! Since the days have been getting longer here in Portland, the sun has been shining more and more. Just when I was starting to wonder what happened to that warm golden ball up there. My little bowls are also looking springy, I thought I should post them to celebrate the changing of the seasons.