Mar 20, 2009

Kiss a Mug

Have you ever really thought about your mug? You know, the one you favor for your daily beverage ritual of choice. Whether it is a groggy morning cup of joe, an afternoon tea, or a nightcap, that cup is perfect. You bring it to your mouth and you kiss it, you feel the relaxing warmth of its liquid, you cherish that moment. I love mugs because of this personal, sensual, perfect moment. This cozy exchange is what I strive to create with each mug I turn out. If you have never thought about this, now you will. I think about it all the time.
I received a mug as a gift a while back. A great friend gave it to me as a gag since it has a cheezy Minnesota theme she knew I would get a kick out of. But the design is bad. The handle is made of wood, and is square. By far the least comfortable handle I have ever held. The lip is also very awkward and your mouth touches the metal that holds the handle on while you drink. Cool theme, bad execution, a pain to use. I still use it when she is around. Your relationships with real people after all are more fragile than relationships with objects...
Here are a few of the mugs I have made recently. I am still working towards mastery, but the brownish green one has a real energy that I have been trying to channel into more of my work.

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